Saturday, May 22, 2010

Why is Oracle throwing a fit with this PL/SQL program?

create or replace procedure complaint_details(rental_no_in IN number) IS

cursor complaint_cursor is

select rental_date

from rental

where rental.rental_no = rental_no_in;

cursor_row complaint_cursor%rowtype;

v_tenant_name varchar2(30) := '';

c_count number(2) := 0;

v_tenant_name := tenant_function(rental_no_in);

c_count := complaints_qty(rental_no_in);


for complaint_row in complaint_cursor


dmbs_output.put_line(v_tenant_name||' '||complaint_row.rental_date||

' '||c_count);

end loop;


Here is the error message that Oracle throws right at me.

ERROR at line 10: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "=" when expecting one of the following:

constant exception

table LONG_ double ref

char time timestamp interval date binary national character


The symbol "" was substituted for "=" to continue.

1. create or replace procedure complaint_details(rental_no_in IN number) IS


3. cursor complaint_cursor is

Why is Oracle throwing a fit with this PL/SQL program?
create or replace procedure complaint_details(rental_no_in IN number) IS

cursor complaint_cursor is

select rental_date

from rental

where rental.rental_no = rental_no_in;

cursor_row complaint_cursor%rowtype;

v_tenant_name varchar2(30) := '';

c_count number(2) := 0;

v_tenant_name varchar2(50) := tenant_function(rental_no_in);

c_count varchar2(50) := complaints_qty(rental_no_in);


for cursor_row in complaint_cursor loop --%26gt; look this line

dmbs_output.put_line(v_tenant_... '||complaint_row.rental_date||' '||c_count);

end loop;


The errors

When you create a variable, must identify datatype

v_tenant_name := tenant_function(rental_no_in); --%26gt; is wrong

v_tenant_name varchar2(50) := tenant_function(rental_no_in); --%26gt; is ok

you dont need to create a variable

cursor_row complaint_cursor%rowtype;

Is automatic when user "for loop"
Reply:Great Question with all the right details. Your problem is with these two lines (if you fix only the first, it will give you the same error for line 11) :

v_tenant_name := tenant_function(rental_no_in);

c_count := complaints_qty(rental_no_in);

This is illegal. The error message is telling you what you need to do - declare these variables correctly, e.g.

v_tenant_name varchar2(100); c_count number(3);

You may then assign values to these variables in the body of your procedure by calling the functions either with values or variables (that have been given a value), e.g.




v_tenant_name := tenant_function(rental_no_in);

c_count := complaints_qty(rental_no_in);

for complaint_row in complaint_cursor





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