Sunday, August 2, 2009

Atheists think they are so special dont they... well?

They think they are so special they made themselves an exemption from the "i before e except after c" rule. hmph

for shame...

I know theists are also an exception, but they used some external muscle to gain their ei status.

ok, id better ask the question before christian report monkeys lick their lips

**QUESTION**. Is ath(ie)sm the next step into the new age?

IE. is christianity becoming an outdated concept?

Atheists think they are so special dont they... well?
I think atheism and pantheism are a revolution in thought logic.

However, no religion is "outdated" as long as there are still believers of said faith.

People NEED to be able to look forward and for some that means having faith in something bigger than themselves.

I place my faith in science and mankind, but do not expect everyone to think as I do.
Reply:"christianity becoming an outdated concept?" Which cave do you live in? Dont you know that more and more of the hidden and lost truth in the word of God is being recovered in the recent decades? Dont you see that more and more people are turning to the Lord than ever? The Lord's word is being proclaimed in more countries and across every possible media than ever.

Come out of your cave and see what's happening in the modern world. It's been quite a long time since people started realizing the stupidity in the theory that man grew himself out of rocks...the theory which gave some people a more easy excuse to deny God.
Reply:Man this question is simple minded - Atheism is a lack of or no belief in God -It will be human intellect and inguinuity that reveal the new age of human progression. Christiany has its role in some peoples life's not all people. If they need it..fine with me, I'm not losing sleep over it. I'm just glad I don't have a christian brain.
Reply:Christianity will never be outdated, nor is it a "concept".

Atheism, new age, crystals... these are all smoke screens from the evil one who is the father of lies. This generation is easy pickin's for him...

If it feels good, do it... live for today....I am god.... these are the mantra's of the lost, who I pray for all day long.

Lord Have Mercy!


Chris %26lt;%26gt;%26lt;
Reply:Not really, it is just that, especially over the last century, relativism, humanism, secularism, and materialism have become more pronounced in our society. Especially since the last few decades where is has really been pushed, such as being taught in our schools, and proliferates our media, entertainment and music industry. Most of this has been done by liberals and secularists.
Reply:Even if the whole world was atheist I don't think much would change. There would still be pointless wars, murder, hatred, intolerance and irrationality. So maybe it is the next step, but it won't be much of a step forwards.
Reply:You are asking an "ultimate" question. If the new age is a reality...then atheism might be the next step...

If Jesus was right then Christianity is all there is, and atheism as well as new age will become a permanently outdated concept.
Reply:Atheism is an acknowledgment of the importance of relying on measurable data and empirical evidence for belief. It will usher in a better existence for humanity as it takes hold.
Reply:No Christianity will always be around it is ageless, the only time that you will not see Christians in this world is when Jesus Christ returns for us in the rapture.
Reply:Christianity will never be outdated the only thing different is the world is changing and people are coming up with there own forms of religion mine i am still a christian
Reply:Christian Faith is like a living thing it grows by consuming and it competes against other religions like animals compete and also

it will do its best to not face extinction.
Reply:Christianity and "dark ages" go together very well.
Reply:Atheism is next step towards an age of darkness and suffering.
Reply:One can only hope.
Reply:maybe the atheism is the one spoken of in revelation of being the false religion.
Reply:"Becoming" an outdated concept?
Reply:Weird.... So Einstein is REALLY special then, huh?

Are they the next step? Maybe.
Reply:Awareness is the next step into the new age.
Reply:I don't think it, I know it! I don't know why you're so worried about it, you avator is dress like a devil
Reply:They are not though.
Reply:New age? You mean the Aquarian Age. And no, that would be us NEOs. Neo is the future.
Reply:Only in your dreams
Reply:not every person who's an athiest thinks there special they just belive there right.x
Reply:Church Lady tells me I'm "special" quite often.... lol
Reply:things like God dont exist... So you tell...
Reply:what the heck with i before e except after c?
Reply:no we don't actually. We are normal just like you
Reply:None of my atheist friends think they are special, just smarter than most of the semi-literate bible belters who attack them. Why is it that most of the atheists and non-believers on THIS page are more conversant with the Bible, than those Christians who condemn them to some mythical hell???

If Europe is the benchmark, Christianity is going down the tube faster than a greased pig. If America is the benchmark, with Islam the fastest growing religion, Fundamentalist Christianity is on it's last breath. And the dereliction of our brain-dead Christian President has done NOTHING to make his brand of Christianity an attractive proposition to ANYONE.

Funny how so many Christians cling to the notion that since Christianity has lasted two thousand years, it will last forever. The Ancient Egyptian Religion, not only lasted, formally, more than 7,000 years, but there are still worshippers of Isis, Osiris and Horus, Ra and Amun, practicing the ancient rites to this day. Same for Zoroastrianism, Wicca, Druidism, and the Eastern Religions.....all of them OLDER and longer lasting than Christinity, including Judaism, the mother of Christianity!

The only chance Christianity has is to divest itself of the load of unbelievable 'crap' that makes up most of 'christian' doctrine...and get back to the pure and unadulterated message of Jesus of Nazareth.....Otherwise it's days are numbered.
Reply:Off to a hateful start to your day?

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