Sunday, August 2, 2009

Could I get into a good college?

I am in 11th grade and thus far in my high school career have taken no AP classes, but I have taken 2 or 3 honors courses. In my freshman and sophomore year, I got average grades, a few A's mostly B's and maybe a C or 2. This year I almost have straight A's with the exception of math in which I have around a B minus. My GPA to date is 3.55 for this year, and I have a 3.0 overall. I am beginning to regret not taking AP because I think I would've been capable of the work. I haven't taken the SAT's yet, but I am on May 3rd. I want to know if I could get into somewhere like Boston College, or Northeastern University. I'm trying to be realistic, I don't expect to get into an ivy league school.

Could I get into a good college?
You can still get into a good college. I had my high school record basically like that and I got into a good college (in my opinion) - I'm not sure how it stacks up with Boston College and Northeastern University though.

I would recommend taking the APs you think you would be capable of taking next year. I had a lot of classes last year (my junior year) that were too easy for me (none of them I could move to honors for that school year), so my simple solution was: get the teacher to sign me into honors for this year (senior year). They did and now I'm in 3 honors classes instead of 1.

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